Benzodiazepines Addiction and Abuse

Benzodiazepines, also referred to as benzos, are sedatives used to handle mental issues like anxiety, panic attacks, seizures, and alcohol withdrawal symptoms sometimes.

Alcohol Detoxification

Emotional abuse is the use of words and actions to harm a person emotionally, mentally, and to gain control over that person. It’s abusing a person’s emotions and is a big issue with enormous consequences.

The Effects of Abusing Prescription Opioids

Originally given as a rehab drug, a prescription opioid may end up being abused by its user. Drug abuse is not limited to taking illicit drugs alone. It involves the misuse of prescription drugs too. The misuse of prescription drugs has been on a steady rise for a while now. This abuse has affected not just the individual over the years but also the society at large. It is, therefore, necessary to take action to stop this drug abuse. 

Taking Care of an Addict? 7 Ways Not to Lose Yourself

Dealing with drug and alcohol addiction – whether personally or that of a loved one – is a nerve-wracking, confusion-laden experience. 

Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Addiction

Xanax (which is the brand name of a drug called alprazolam) belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs. In the United States, it is the most prescribed psychiatric drug for the treatment of anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. Despite being short-acting, Xanax is very potent and has a high potential for abuse.

Role of Buprenorphine in Managing Heroin Addiction

Some people ask if the use of a substance like Buprenorphine to treat opioid addictions is simply not replacing one addiction for another. While it only seems that way because the treatment and the addiction drug are from the same family, but such thinking is mistaken. 

Rehab For Crack

Cocaine is the easiest drug to get addicted to and taking it just once can make you want more. People who deal on crack know this, and they capitalize on it to make money.
Since the high from crack doesn’t last, an individual will start to see the need to have a constant crack supply; this craving can lead to crimes like robbery, theft, sometimes prostitution, and in extreme cases, murder.


Opiates also referred to as narcotics, are drugs often prescribed for pain relief and depressants for the central nervous system. The drug is known to have a euphoric effect, apart from its pain-relieving characteristic. Examples include cough syrups containing codeine, morphine, meperidine. These opiates are often abused. 

Addressing Emotional Abuse in Addiction Recovery

Emotional abuse is the use of words and actions to harm a person emotionally, mentally, and to gain control over that person. It’s abusing a person’s emotions and is a big issue with enormous consequences.