What to Do if You’re Afraid to Go to Rehab

If you are afraid to go to rehab you can calm some of your fears by becoming informed about the process of admission, daily activities, therapies, and aftercare.

It’s normal to feel apprehensive about attending rehab. After all, it’s a big step and a significant change. But it’s important to remember that rehab is a positive step toward recovery. It’s a chance to get professional help and learn new skills to deal with addiction.

If you’re feeling scared or unsure about rehab, this article is sure to help. We’ll go over some of the common fears people have about rehab and offer some tips on how to cope. Remember, you don’t have to face your addiction alone. Help is available, and recovery is possible.

Why Am I Scared to Go to Rehab?

There are many reasons why someone might be afraid to go to rehab. Maybe you’ve heard stories about how tough it is, or you’re worried about what will happen to your job or your family. Maybe you’re just not sure if you’re ready to face your addiction.

Whatever your reason, it’s important to remember that rehab is a big step in the right direction. It’s an opportunity to get help for your addiction and start on the road to recovery.

How to Diagnose Your Fear

Before you can address your fear, it’s important to understand what’s causing it. Is it a rational fear or an irrational one? Are you afraid of the unknown, or do you have specific concerns about rehab?

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What are my biggest fears about going to rehab?
  • What if I’m not ready to give up drugs or alcohol?
  • What if I can’t handle the detox process?
  • What if I relapse after I leave rehab?
  • What if I can’t afford treatment?

If you’re still on the fence about going to rehab, let’s take a look at a few things that might help you take the plunge.

Common Fears about Going to Rehab

It’s not surprising that many people are afraid to go to rehab. After all, it can be a big step to take, and it’s natural to feel some apprehension about it. This problem is made even worse in people with anxiety disorders.

However, it’s important to remember that rehab is a positive step that can help you overcome addiction and get your life back on track. If you’re struggling with addiction, don’t let your feelings of fear hold you back from getting the treatment you need.

Some of the most common fears about going to rehab include:

Withdrawal will be too hard: Withdrawal can be uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to be unbearable. In fact, many people find that the symptoms are manageable with the help of professional treatment.

I will fail: Relapse is always a possibility, but it doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to fail. With the right support and treatment, many people have successfully overcome addictions and mental health disorders and live sober lives.

I will succeed: This may seem like an odd fear, but some people worry that they’ll succeed in rehab and then have to face the outside world again. Remember that success is possible, and you can take steps to make sure you’re prepared for life after treatment.

I don’t have the time: Effective treatment takes time, but it’s important to remember that you’re investing in your future. In the long run, treatment will save you time by helping you get back on track and improve your quality of life.

I don’t have enough money: Many people worry that they can’t afford treatment, but there are often options available to help make it more affordable. Remember that treatment is an investment in your health and well-being.

I will look like a failure: This is a common fear, but it’s important to remember that addiction is a disease. Treatment is not a sign of weakness but rather a step towards recovery.

Now that you know more about some of the common fears people have about going to rehab, it’s time to take the next step. If you’re ready to get help for addiction, contact a treatment center today.

Research Can Help Ease Fears

If you’re afraid to go to rehabilitation, it can help to do some research on the topic. Learning about what to expect during treatment, what kind of therapies are available (such as exposure therapy), and how to make an aftercare plan can help ease fears and give you a better understanding of what rehabilitation entails. 

Talking to someone who has been through the process can also be helpful in gaining insights and first-hand knowledge.

What Is the Admissions Process Like?

The admittance process varies from facility to facility, but generally speaking, you can expect to undergo an assessment upon arrival. This assessment will help the staff at the facility get a better understanding of your situation and needs so that they can discuss individualized treatment plans with you. 

You will also be asked questions about your medical history and current substance use. Once you are admitted to the facility, you will be given a tour and orientated to the rules and regulations of the center.

What Is It Like During a Full Day of Treatment?

A typical day in rehabilitation may involve individual or group therapy, educational classes on addiction and recovery, and leisure activities. Meals are typically served family style so that you can have the opportunity to bond with other residents. 

Some days may be more challenging than others, but overall the goal is to provide you with the tools and support you need to overcome addiction and build a foundation for long-term recovery.

What Therapies Are Offered?

There are many different types of therapies available in rehabilitation, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and 12-step facilitation. 

The type of therapy that you receive will depend on your individual needs and the recommendations of the staff at the facility. However, all of these therapies share the common goal of helping you learn how to cope with triggers, manage panic attacks and stress, and make healthier choices.

How Do I Make an Aftercare Plan?

Aftercare planning is an important part of the rehabilitation process. This plan will help you transition back to your daily life after you leave treatment. It will involve making arrangements for housing, employment, and continuing care. The staff at the rehabilitation facility will work with you to create an aftercare plan that meets your unique needs.

Knowing Where to Start

If you’re ready to make a difference in your addiction, contact NJ Rehabs. We can provide you with the resources and support necessary to get through detox and withdrawal, as well as help you find an inpatient treatment facility that will fit your needs.

Contact us today to get started on the road to recovery!
